Informations importantes

Transferts de compagnies aériennes du Terminal 1 vers le Terminal 2.

À partir du 30 mars 2025, la compagnie Air Serbia opèrera en zone B
À partir du 31 mars 2025, la compagnie SAS Scandinavian Airlines opèrera en zone D.

Une épidémie de rougeole est en cours au Maroc. Il s’agit d’une maladie très contagieuse contre laquelle la vaccination est efficace.

Elle se transmet par la toux, les éternuements, les sécrétions nasales, etc.

Les symptômes sont : une fièvre, une éruption cutanée, une conjonctivite, de la toux et le nez qui coule.

En cas de symptômes :
Isolez-vous et contactez immédiatement votre médecin en précisant votre voyage. S’il n’est pas disponible, appelez le 15.
Appliquez les gestes barrières (lavez-vous les mains, aérez régulièrement, portez le masque...)
Évitez tout contact avec les jeunes enfants (pas encore vaccinés), les femmes enceintes et les personnes âgées

Car park booking

P6 Car Park


The ideal car park for departures from Nice Airport Terminal 2.

  • Less than 8 min walk from Terminal 2
  • 25 disabled spaces
  • 18 spaces with electric charging points
  • Vehicule height under 2.30 meters
  • Indoor car park
Parking P6 Aeroport Nice

How to proceed?

  1. I order online by entering my licence plate
  2. I receive a code by email and text message
  3. My car is recognised at the entrance or I enter my code to obtain my prepaid ticket

To reach P6 car park

Coming from Nice/Monaco: follow signs to Terminal 2, take the road along the Var and head towards Terminal 1. The entrance to P6 is on your left 50 metres away.

From Antibes/Cannes: go past P8, follow directions to Terminal 2, take the road along the Var and head towards Terminal 1. The entrance to P6 is on your left 50 metres away.

GPS coordinates: Latitude : 43.662237 | Longitude : 7.202042

How to get to the airport from the P6 ?

Frequently asked questions

  • How do I get in and out of the car park I have reserved?

    Once your reservation has been confirmed and paid for, you will receive an email confirming your booking, which will contain a PIN code. Upon arrival, your vehicle will be automatically recognised thanks to automatic licence plate recognition for easier and faster access (if not, you will have to enter the received code). A ticket will then be issued from the terminal, which you will need to keep in order to leave the car park. Watch the video

  • Can I enter after the time indicated on my reservation?

    Yes, you will have no problem entering after the reserved time.

  • Is it possible to enter and leave repeatedly throughout my reservation?

    Yes, you can leave and enter the reservable car parks multiple times throughout the duration of your prepaid parking period using the same PIN code.

  • If my code doesn't work, how can I get into the car park?

    If there is a problem opening the barrier, simply use the intercom on the entrance terminal; the agents on duty have all information concerning reservations. They will be able to check your reservation and open the gate. You will have to ring again when you leave.

  • What happens if I exceed my parking time?

    You will have to pay an additional fee as specified in our general terms and conditions. You can pay the surcharge directly by credit/debit card at the automated pay stations or at the exit terminals designed for this purpose.
    To prevent this situation, it is important to allow sufficient time between the arrival time of the flight and the exit time from the car park.

    Please note, you can extend your booking free of charge by up to 6 hours.

  • I can't book a space in a car park, who do I contact?

    If you are unable to book a car park, you can contact us directly by telephone at 0820 423 333 (€0.12 / min) or 00 33 4 898 898 28. Our call centre is open every day from 7am to 9pm.

  • I have reduced mobility; can I reserve a designated space?

    No, it is not possible to reserve a specific parking space. However, you will easily find a designated disabled parking space in all our car parks. These facilities are provided for people with a disability card. These spaces are generally located at the entrances and are clearly signposted.

  • What happens if your flight is delayed?

    If you have provided your return flight number, your car park booking will automatically be extended at no extra cost should your flight be delayed.

    If not, you will be charged a flat rate of €25 per day when you leave. Please note, you can extend your booking free of charge by up to 6 hours.