UM passengers must check-in at least 45 minutes (internal flights) or 1 hour (international and transatlantic flights) before the check-in deadline for the flight in question.
When the child is checked-in at the departure airport, , he or she will receive a special UM pouch to be kept throughout the flight.
The pouch contains:
- the child's flight ticket,
- identity papers (identification document with photo or, for international flights, a passport or identification document plus a certificate entitling the bearer to leave the territory delivered by the prefecture)New regulations are in place since 15 January 2017 concerning minors leaving the country. An authorisation to leave the country is required for a minor child who lives in France and travels abroad alone or without parents. It is a form established and signed by a parent (or legal guardian). The form must be accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document from the signing parent. More information here
- parental authorisation
- an identity form stating the details of the person responsible for collecting the child at the destination airport. It is imperative that this person carries some form of official identification.